Monday 28th Apr '08

Tonight I finally got around to trying out a new dish...Spaghetti and Meatballs.

Here's how I made it:

  1. Add some finely chopped garlic and onion to beef mince. Add pepper to season it.

  2. Combine an egg into the mixture to bind it.

  3. Mold the mixture into little meatballs.

  4. With a little olive oil in a pan, cook the meatballs until they were browned and take them out of the pan and put them aside.

  5. Using the same pan, sautee more chopped garlic and onion in the oil and juices from the meatballs.

  6. Add some dry white wine and a can of crushed Italian tomatoes

  7. Throw in some baby spinach leaves and chilli. Let simmer.

  8. Once the sauce has reduced to a thicker consistency, add meatballs back in and al dente spaghetti.

  9. Toss sauce all through spaghetti and serve with parmesan/pecorino cheese.


Yummy! The meatballs could have been softer so I will have to ask Mrs Pelle how she makes hers and try it again.

While I was making dinner, Mum was also cooking for herself. She made a stirfry with Squid & Baby Okra.

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