Saturday 9th May '09

After going to bed at 2am, I slept soundly all the way through until 5pm this afternoon. That's right, I caught up on my sleep at last!

As I had skipped breakfast and lunch time, I made a large bowl of noodles for dinner.

Chicken Bee Hoon Soup

After dinner, I began to unpack. Yes - UNPACK.

Usually after a big trip, I am too lazy to put things away so my suitcase sits on the floor in my room for a few months at least. Or until I need to repack for another trip or excursion. This time, I put on the CD of music that trumbone Brad from the cruise had burnt for me and spent the rest of the day unpacking and tidying my room.

Now, you're probably wondering where all the holiday photos are. I haven't had time to sort through all the photos yet - but don't worry - I have left 'space' to update entries as soon as I get a chance. They'll all be in date order so you will have to scroll down or just click on the 'I Gots the Travel Bug' link.

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