Wednesday 22nd July '09

Morning Tea at Work

Lunch at Work

Spaghetti Bolognaise with Lamb

Eggplant Parmagiana

Chicken Bee Hoon Soup

While at the shops today, I bought a Granny Smith apple with the intention of making apple crumble for dessert tonight.

First, I peeled and slice the apple and put the slices into a bowl and filled it with enough water to cover them. I added a few cloves and then cooked them in the microwave for a few minutes until the apples softened. Meanwhile I made the crumble.

left: rubbing the butter into the flour
right: the crumble mixture with muesli

I haven't made apple crumble for years. I used to just make a basic crumble for the top, but tonight I decided to use some Apple & Berry Muesli I bought a few weeks ago. I picked out the cloves from the apples and then transferred the slices into ramikins. I covered the apple with my crumble mixture and then baked them in the oven at 180C (fanforce) for about half an hour until the crumble turned golden brown.

Served with fresh cream.

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