Wednesday 29th July '09

Lunch at Work
Mum's Lamb Curry with Rice

I love Mum's lamb curry. This time she added carrots - she's never done that before! It was a nice change. The carrots were tender and sweet. I still need to keep working on getting her to make it more spicy though. She's worried that Jocelyn won't eat it if she makes it too spicy, but I'm the one who usually eats most of it.

I still had a headache when I got to work today but for the most part, it had disappeared by the late afernoon. However, after getting a catch-22 thrown at us from management, my headache was back in full swing by the time I got home.

Prawn Bee Hoon Soup

I pray that I don't get called out tonight because I really need to sleep this headache off.

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