Sunday 22nd November '09

It was a late night for us last night. It was about 4:30am by the time I got into bed. The dinner last night was a buffet but I didn't have time to eat much because there was just too much going on. I can't believe I only had two plates of food - one of hot foods and one of seafood. I was still hungry but filled up on champagne instead.

When I finally got home in the wee hours of the morning, I made myself some instant ramen to eat before crawling into bed.

With no plans for the day, I slept in until about 6:30pm. Yes, I slept the whole day away.

Mum's Braised Pork Hocks

I also made some Chicken & Vegetable Risoni Soup

Served with fresh cut chillies and grated pecorino.

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