Wednesday 25th November '09

Yes I know, I know. I've been really slow with the posts all week. But with good reason. I've been on the night shifts at work and have no access to internet because Long needed his prepaid mobile broadband back. So...I will be looking into buying my own DONGLE!

Chicken Laksa

I made a large pot of Italian tomato sauce today. I'm going to freeze it to use in the upcoming weeks. It will save me some time!

fresh parsley from the shops and
fresh basil from my garden

Look! A double leaf of basil!

Chopped onion, crushed garlic, chopped parsley and basil,
a can of diced tomatoes, a bottle of tomato puree - all set to go!

I had some leftover Mustard Chicken for dinner at work tonight.

As a side, I packed some instant cous cous with the intention of rehydrating it at work with some hot water. I added the boiling water and allowed it to sit with the lid on for a few minutes. I ended up with rather gluggly cous cous though, because I had added too much water! I stirred in my butter, pinenuts and parsley and it tasted ok. It just wasn't fluffy.

Mum's Kuay Teow Soup with Squid

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