Tuesday 11th May 2010

This morning on the way to work I was daydreaming about a bacon and egg Mcmuffin from Macdonalds. About an hour into my shift, Alice presented me with a surprise - a BRUFFIN from Brumby's!

In a past conversation (about food of course!) I had mentioned that I didn't know what a bruffin was so she picked one up for me to broaden my horizons.

Morning Tea at Work
Brumby's Bruffin

Ooh it's like an inside out bacon and egg Mcmuffin!

We also did a Dome coffee run so I was feeling pretty elated after morning tea.

Lunch at Work
Tiger Prawn & Boiled Egg Salad

If you count the egg that was in my bruffin, I've had three eggs today. Boiled eggs make me feel sooo full!

Potato Bake

Yes, I just had potato bake for dinner. Probably has something to do with all the eggs I ate today.

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