Thursday 21st October 2010

For lunch, I pulled out a Homebrand meat pie from the freezer.

I have been eating Mrs Mac's frozen pies but I thought I'd give this Homebrand one a try. It is cheaper, afterall. I don't mind going for a cheaper option if it tastes good.

It was good!

A few weeks ago I made a purchase on Ebay for some blank Nespresso capsules. You can fill them with any ground coffee and use them in the Nespresso appliance.

I tried them on the weekend. I felt like I was running an illegal operation. Carefully filling each capsule with ground coffee, being careful not to make a mess.

Peel the paper off the rim of the capsule to expose the adhesive.

Apply a piece of foil onto the top of the capsule.

The capsules is ready to use!

I was a bit anxious about using the capsule for the first time. I was worried that if the foil wasn't strong enough when the capsule was punctured, I'd end up with coffee grounds throughout the Nespresso machine and it might ruin it.

Deep breath.

Here goes...pop it into the Nespresso appliance.

Hurrah! It worked!

It makes a nice coffee.

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