Entry #1

I've finally set up my own blog...now to figure out what I'm going to write in here. I guess I can write anything because no one's going to be reading it anyways. It'll be my online diary perhaps. Yes...coz I want the whole internet world to be able to access my deepest darkest personal thoughts...yes...

Well I'm currently relaxing with a few glasses of Olive Farm Chardonnay from the Swan Valley in Western Australia, which lies somewhere on the Swan River and is reachable by boat. That is how I got there to purchase a case of their wine. Now I sound like a travel brochure. It was a river cruise with ppls from work - was soooo fun. We sure got our alcohol's worth - I mean money's worth of alcohol - on that trip. Found out the next time I was at work that one of the girls fell on her face in the carpark after we went for drinks and she was bleeding profusely from the nose. Funny.

I just found out tonight at work that Tom Cruise is with Katie Holmes. *shudder* And like I was telling an insignificant dogly (oops do I mean godly?) figure earlier, being the scientologist that he is, I guess he is expecting the aliens to come and fix Katie's face, just as he thought they would come and fix Penelope Cruz's face. You'd think he'd learn.

It's taking too long to get that 'hello' programme so that I can put a few pictures up...it shall have to wait.

Well...it's about 2:30am and I'm getting sleepy. *yawn*

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