Wednesday 26th Dec '07

This morning I woke up and headed out to Cottlesloe with Megan for a few hours. Marissa was supposed to come too but she decided to sleep in instead. The weather was perfect - the sun shone warmly on our shoulders and the water was cool and refreshing around our legs.

I headed home to shower and wash my hair. I set about doing some housework and then made lunch.
Bun Bo Hue

After lunch, Marissa called and asked if I wanted to go to the beach - AGAIN!? I thought about it and thought "Oh, why not". I was dreading having to wash my hair again though. This is the first summer in many years that I have kept my hair long.

Christina came along and we stopped by for an affogato at Marissa's before picking up Maria (Marissa's cousin).

Cottlesloe Beach

We spent all afternoon/evening at the beach. The weather was absolutely perfect. We would have stayed past 9pm but I had to be elsewhere.

Later that night, Christina and I drove to Ben and Sarah's. Sarah had organised a get together for Ben since he had missed out on all the Christmas celebrations while he was away working. There was heaps of food and I was famished!! Too bad several of us got gastro afterwards =/

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