I've been eating so many prawns lately! I haven't broken out in a rash like I usually do, so my theory is to keep eating more and try to build up some resistance to them in preparation for Singapore. I have read in an article somewhere that it is in fact proteins in the shell of the prawn that is what people are allergic to. I try to avoid eating prawns with shells, or remove the shell before eating them or mixing/cooking them in my dishes. I don't know whether that's what's made the difference, but I'll keep doing it for as long as I can eat prawns without any adverse reactions! I didn't take a single antihistamine while in Geraldton, eating prawns nearly every day.
I drove home to get changed into wet gear and met up with the guys at the South Perth foreshore near Coode street, with plans to get out on the water on catamarans. The weather did start out a bit cloudy, but very soon became overcast and then came the downpour. It was like walking through a shower.
I decided I'd just go straight to work early and get something to eat. The rain cleared by the time I pulled up outside work, so I walked down the street to Hampden Road. Not many places were open, being a Sunday.
Soy Long Macchiato from Dome
Dinner was a cup of Heinz soup but I didn't feel like taking a photo of it. Or rather, I was too lazy to go back into the lab to fetch my camera.
At home, I quickly put together supper and hoped that I would be able to finish eating it without being interrupted by a call-out. My last on-call for the year of 2008!
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