[1300hrs] Had lunch at the food court in Lot 1.

[1430hrs] Mum peeled some mangosteen.

[1830hrs] Christina, Jocelyn and I went to Lot 1 for dinner.

1 x piece eggplant
1 x piece okra
1 x bunch enoki
1 x bunch Chinese vegetables
3 x pieces chilli stuffed with fish puree
I also put my usual dollop of chilli into the soup, but the stuffed chillies were actually pretty hot tonight so my tongue was burning by the end of the meal!
[1930hrs] We headed back home, with snacks of course!

dragonfruit & guava juice – SD$2.00
At home, I mixed my drink with some vodka - hee hee.
[2015hrs] I had some of the tofu soup that Aunty made, while she, my mum and cousin had a homecooked dinner.

[2030hrs] Lucas fast asleep in his crib. We all had a rather uneventful day today.

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