This morning we slept in past the time we actually wanted to get up. We had about an hour before check-out at 11am but we didn't have much to pack. We went downstairs, left our luggage with the staff and then headed out for the day. Our flight isn't until the late evening so we still have plenty of time.
We went to Chinatown for dim sum.
This is another restaurant belonging to the chain of 'Shark Fin' restaurants in Melbourne. It opened at 11:30am for dim sum so we stood outside for a few minutes since we were early.

We wanted to try something new that we don't get back in Perth. Just as we discussed this, one of the waitresses brought out a tray with some baked scallops. We immediately asked for one and were delighted with it! The scallop was baked with onion and chicken with a creamy cheese mixture.

Hey...we've all got three letter names! ha ha simple things...
And for dessert...

Margaret River

We headed back to the city and walked around a bit more before heading back to the apartment to regroup and decide where we'd have dinner before going to the airport.
We decided on the Korean restaurant next door.

We ordered the banquet for five people. For $120 this included:
I also ordered a bottle of Korean Rice Soju. It's a traditional Korean rice wine that's well fermented, 19.5% alcoholic and served chilled. It went really well with all the spicy food we ordered.

I sipped it from a sake cup and shared it with everyone!

After dinner, we said our goodbyes to Sze and Richard and since we still had time, we went to get dessert. But first, we stopped in at an Asian grocery store. They've got so much more range than we do in Perth.

We finally made it to the little store that Fee's friends had wanted to take us to on Sunday night but it had been closed. It's a tiny little store in the arcade but it was jam-packed. Ivy didn't realise there was a line at the door and just slipped in and grabbed a table - great work girl!
We all ordered our desserts:


What? You know me. I surprise even myself with the amount of food I can eat.

Back in the waiting area for boarding, we were wondering why our plane wasn't boarding yet. It was about five minutes past the time our plane was scheduled to leave. We were nervously joking about the delay being due to fog. An announcement was soon made to let us know that there was a delay in boarding so we groaned and found somewhere more comfortable to wait. There was soon another announement to confirm our growing fears - the delay was indeed due to fog. Argh!
We were not happy! The thought of another night camped out on the floor of an airport was not something we wanted to go through again. I'd take a taxi back to the CBD and get a hotel just to avoid sleeping on the cold floor again. However, shortly there was an announcement that we were cleared for take off and you could hear the unanimous sigh of relief as we all headed towards the boarding gates.
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