Tuesday 26th January 2010


Everyone seemed to be content staying in today and avoiding the crowds at the Skyworks. I went to a BBQ at the Lim's place.

I made some potato salad at Aunty Jane's request.

Potatoes, boiled Eggs and sauteed Speck
dressing: seeded mustard, white wine vinegar, fresh thyme from the garden


There was a kiwi girl at work last year who claimed that our potato chips were nothing compared to these chips in New Zealand called 'Grainwaves'. She promised to send us some to try when she flew back to New Zealand, but we're still waiting! I tried them today at the BBQ and there's really nothing special about them. Sure, they're moorish, but nothing special.

Spot the difference.

Lamb cutlets
Pork ribs
Chicken sausages
Mee Goreng
Mango Salad
Potato Salad

The mango salad was divine!!

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