Saturday 27th Oct '07
IRON CHEF NIGHT - ROUND 2 - SALMONTonight was our second "Iron Chef" night at Ling and Shallen's place. Being the winner of our first round (mushrooms!!), I chose the ingredient salmon. It was unbeknownst to me that neither Meng nor Shallen actually like salmon!! We also finally opened the bottle of wine, that I had bought at the Wine & Food Festival earlier this year, that goes very well with salmon.
Shallen setting the table
Up first was Meng and Yen Chen's dish - Smoked Salmon Spring Rolls with a Crushed Cashew Sauce. The second dish was mine. I like to name my dishes the way they do on the TV show 'Ready Steady Cook', so the title of my dish is"Like a deathcharger to a submarine,
I'll blow you away with my smoked salmon and mascarpone terrine"
I got a few ideas from looking up some recipes online. You line some ramikins with smoked salmon (you can also use raw salmon); combine mascarpone cheese with some chopped fresh dill and use this to fill the ramikins; refridgerate and serve by tipping them out onto a plate - they looks gorgeous!! I garnished the terrines with some salmon caviar, capers, mascarpone, a sprig of fresh dill, and a drizzle of olive oil infused with dill and lemon zest.
Kong's Salmon with Pinenuts Stuffing dish came out of the oven nice and warm. He "stuffed" slices of salmon fillet with a mixture of crumbs, onions and pinenuts to form gorgeous little salmon roses.
Ling and Shallen served up a deliciously light Salmon Souffle.We vote on three things - presentation, overall taste of the dish, and how well we have incorporated the ingredient to create a gourmet sensation.
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