Saturday 29th Mar '08

Today I woke up with the biggest migraine I've had in a while. I popped a few panadeines and went back to sleep but it felt worse when I woke up. I had to cancel plans with uni friends I haven't seen in a long time.

I was bedridden most of the day. I got up in the afternoon and tried to make lunch but all the aromas in the kitchen made me feel nauseas - no it wasn't bad cooking!! I couldn't even keep down any fruit or bread all day. I started making some okra but had to cook it in steps because I'd feel so nauseas I'd have to go back to bed. Took me about four hours to finally make this!! And even then I couldn't stomach it.

I made dinner plans thinking I would be better in the evening. I took some stronger painkillers that I got when I hurt my neck gardening and went back to bed. No help. Had to cancel the dinner plans too. Simba's been a great little companion sleeping with me most of the day.

Wah I hate migraines!!! I've only just been able to manage some's 2:30am Sunday. I'm not in the least bit tired because I've spent all day sleeping but my head's starting to hurt again.

I'd better be feeling better tomorrow. I have some eating to make up for.

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