Friday 29th Aug '08

Morning Tea
Mini Donuts
Chocolate Cake
Fruit Mince Pastry (forget what it's called) **

** They're called ECCLES. See

Lamb Curry with Rice

Afternoon Snack
Wholemeal Roll with Ham and Tomato

I was sooo hungry stumbling out of work today that luckily I remembered I had packed a bread roll, some ham and tomato, intending to have it for my morning tea. When met with the decision of the bread roll or the sweets in the tea room, there was a clear winner haha. I happily gobbled the roll down on the way home from work in the car. Good thing too, because it gave me the energy to take Simba for a walk.

Last night I prepared the pesto that I would be using for the pasta dish I was making tonight for dinner. I blended garlic, onion, fresh basil and pinenuts in the food processor. I chopped up some sundried tomatoes last night and put the pesto I made into the container with the remaining oil from the sundried tomatoes to absorb those flavours.

Spaghetti with Baby Octopus

  1. Make pesto by crushing together pinenuts, fresh basil, onion and garlic in a food processor (or crush with a mortar and pestle).

  2. Cook pesto in some olive oil in a pan for a few minutes. **

  3. Add sliced onion and baby octupus that has been cleaned and cut into smaller pieces.

  4. Once onions have softened, add a small amount of tomato paste and fry for a minute.

  5. Add some white wine and cook until sauce starts to reduce a bit.

  6. Add chopped sundried tomatoes and when octopus is cooked, add some pasta that has been cooked al dente and strained.

  7. Toss pasta through sauce to coat it and then serve.

**You can add some crushed chilli flakes now or fresh chillies when plating up.

"Ah Sarena, you've done it again!"

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