Monday 25th Aug '08

Finally - some days off work!

I slept in until the early afternoon and woke up next to my gorgeous little Simba. A wonderful way to start the day!

I had a few cupcakes and a cup of tea for 'breakfast'.

For lunch (in the afternoon) I had the leftovers of my lambshanks from last night. Simba was sitting with his nose practically in my bowl, waiting to see if he'd get any.

I didn't really know what I felt like for dinner, so I just made some broccolini.

Broccolini with Almonds & Proscuitto

  1. Toast some roughly crushed almonds in a pan.

  2. Add some olive oil and garlic and fry for a few minutes.

  3. Add broccolini and some butter and cook until broccolini softens.

  4. Throw in some roughly torn proscuitto for the last minute of cooking.

  5. Serve with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

I also made some soup since I hadn't had it for a while.

Chicken & Pasta Soup
with Celery, Carrots & Leek

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