Monday 27th Oct '08

After work I set about in the kitchen preparing the ingredients for a simple lamb shank recipe I found in a magazine at work. I pretty much followed the recipe with the exception of the proportions of things I used, and I didn't use lamb shanks. The lamb shanks at the supermarket were not French-trimmed and I didn't have the time to bother figuring out how to do them myself. So...I bought some lamb forequarter pieces instead.

"Please sir, can I have some more?"

I lightly coated the pieces of lamb in plain flour and browned them in some olive oil in my mum's Bessemer casserole dish. With the lamb put to the side, I fried some chopped onion in the remaining oil. When these were translucent, I added some crushed garlic with my new zyliss garlic crusher that I bought from House last week and was dying to try out. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love chopping up garlic into fine pieces - I find it therapeutic - but I've always wanted to get a garlic crusher.

Anyhow, I then added some grated and chopped carrots, parsnips and tomato. After frying them for a few minutes, I returned the forequarter pieces to the vegetable mixture and added some red wine and water. Once the liquid began to boil, I put the lid on and let it simmer on the lowest heat for two hours.

During this time, I went outside to begin paving. I got a fair bit done before it started to rain so I decided to head inside, clean up and get ready for dinner.

After two hours...

served on a bed of mashed potato

Later, I made another sandwich for lunch tomorrow. Curried egg!

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