Monday 12th Jan '09

Morning Tea
Greek Style Yoghurt from the Red Cross Shop

For dinner, I bought some raw Australian Banana prawns to have in a salad. I spent some time shelling them before frying them in some olive oil. The prawns were sooo plump and juicy! Couldn't wait to sink my teeth into that gorgeous flesh. The prawns. *smirk*

For the salad, I used baby spinach, red onion, and fresh yellow cherry tomatoes from my garden.

Creamy Saffron Dressing

  1. Soak a small pinch of saffron threads in a small bowl with about two tablespoons of warm water for about ten minutes.
  2. Using a whisk or fork, beat in about two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  3. Add one tablespoon of cream and beat in.
  4. Add the juice of half a lemon.

As usual, I don't measure everything exactly but I tried to give you some idea of the proportions. You can play around with the measurements to get the consistency you want.

Portugese Chicken
Spinach Salad with Prawns & Creamy Saffron Dressing

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