
Amongst all the recent tragedies faced by Australians, it brings me to tears each time I see how we all come together and combine our efforts to help the victims. Whether it's cash donations, clothing, food, taking time out of our own lives to physically help, it says so much about our capacity to love and brings out the best of us as a nation. I can't help but sit and wonder how I could possibly live without all the material things in my life.

Being a sentimental person, I love keeping things. Things that have a story behind them. Memories. Photos. I don't know what I'd do if I lost them all in a fire or a flood. But people do. They have. I know my own life would be worth more than any photo, but if I had lost everything - EVERYTHING - I had, it would take so much strength to grasp onto hope and rebuild. Which is what thousands of people around Australia are doing now.

If you haven't already and would like to, you can make donations by visiting the Red Cross website.

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