Tuesday 17th Feb '09

Last night I made some minestrone using the last of the lobster stock I had. I had two bowls of it for supper! And finished the rest this morning for brunch. See the creepy guy on the TV?


Prawn Salad with Wasabi & Ginger dressing

Cos lettuce, sundried tomatoes, cucumber, prawns, parmesan and cracked black pepper. I was going to just use some mayonnaise for the dressing, but I remembered that Marissa had gotten me some dressing for Christmas last year and I have yet to try it. I dug around in the pantry and finally found it!

It's a Wasabi & Ginger dressing that has the flavour of the wasabi, but not the heat. I generally am not a fan of wasabi because I think it tastes like playdough with chilli, but I've quite liked the wasabi dressings I've had while in Singapore. Quite a nice flavour if it's not in its 'playdough' form.

Really nice light flavour throughout the salad...pity it's such a small bottle - I'm going to go through it really fast!

I bought buttermilk and whipping cream to make creme fraiche yesterday. You basically heat one cup of whipping cream in a pan on the stove, then add two tablespoons of buttermilk and allow the mixture to sit at room temperature for anywhere between 24-36 hours before it thickens. During this time, the good bacteria flourish and prevents the mixture from going off. Once it's thickened, you pop it into the fridge to get a bit thicker before it's ready to serve. I've made it a few times last year and it's absolutely divine! You can use it to thicken soups, in savouries or desserts. I'll post the finished product.

Now you can't buy buttermilk by the tablespoon, so I always have to find another use for the rest of the 600mL carton whenever I make creme fraiche. Buttermilk is rather expensive so you don't want it going to waste. Especially since I bought a 1L bottle this time because it on special. Buttermilk goes on special very often because I suppose it's too expensive for most people's budgets. I usually get Christina to use it in a baking recipe or I try to use it myself. Today, I decided to finally use it for something I've always wanted to try.

I've come across some recipes over the past few years where you marinate chicken pieces in buttermilk before coating them in flour and deep frying. Sounds delicious! I found some chicken wings defrosting in the fridge yesterday, so I set aside six of them in a container and poured most of the buttermilk over them. I let them marinate overnight in the fridge. Today, I prepared some plain flour with some cajun spices mixed in. I coated each chicken wing in this flour mixture and then deep fried them in oil. They turned out absolutely finger-lickingly awesome!

Deep Fried Chicken Wings in Buttermilk & Cajun Batter
with homemade Cajun Wedges and Salad

I found half a lemon in the fridge so made some fresh lemonade with it. The lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar, and water. Yum! I love sour lemons. My mouth waters whenever I think of eating something sour. *drool*

So...the verdict for the chicken?

I have to say, I'm not a fan of deepfrying meat because you see exactly how much oil goes into it. The same could be said for when I deep fry vegetables, but they don't require as much time in the oil to cook. I think I'll stick to going out for KFC next time I have a hankering for deep fried chicken.

I fed Simba tonight...check out this 'homestyle' range of dog food. It has real corn and peas in it!!

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