Prawn Curry & Rice
Andrea left me a bag of snacks in the fridge today! There was some delicious prawn curry, rice, roti and a can of mangosteen juice. Despite the crappy week I've had, opening the fridge door and seeing a post-it note with 'Snacks for Sarena' written on it put a smile on my face.
Just before midnight, I popped into the tea room and one of the girls who works at the reception desk for the After Hours clinic was in there checking up on a birthday cake she'd made for one of the doctors. I had to run back into the lab to grab my camera to take a photo of her cake.
At first glance, I thought that perhaps she'd shaved some birthday candles over the cake, but quickly shrugged this idea off as being stupid. It's chocolate that she's spread over a flat surface, let it set, and then scraped it off so that it formed curls. It looks gorgeous!

bee hoon soup with beef balls, okra
and tofu stuffed with fish paste

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