Saturday 4th April '09

For lunch at work today, I enjoyed the leftovers from our dinner last night. I did have some roast chicken that I'd made to eat for lunch, but that went into the freezer for another day.

After work, I headed over to Vincent, Victoria and Vernon's place to have dinner there. I'd picked up some cooked Exmouth prawns and peeled them while Vincent helped Vernon with the pasta. I got Victoria to go outside, where Vincent was showing Vernon how to make the sauce, and give him a cooking tip.

Victoria: "Vernon, did you know that you can only stir clockwise? If you stir anti-clockwise it will moosh up the sauce."

Vernon: no reply...he continued to stir the sauce.

Victoria: "Vernon, did you hear me? You can only stir clockwise."

Vernon: "This is clockwise, isn't it?"

*Sarena rolls around on floor laughing*

Vernon's San Remo Beef Ravioli
with Minced Beef, Mushroom & Tomato Sauce

For the prawns, I came up with a dipping sauce. Japanese mayo, white vinegar, wasabi paste and a squeeze of fresh lemon. Yum!

Vincent made some delicious potato patties

It was a yummy meal!


They have a Nespresso machine! Victoria made me an expresso. It was really really good! I was tempted to buy one before...but now I want one even more!

the 'pod's for the Nespresso

the 'pod' after it's been used...
the machine must puncture holes in it, then the hot water
passed through it and through the coffee...
and into my mug with perfect crema

there's a frother to make cappuccinos

We took a drive to the video store, then back at home we agreed that Victoria should make us crepes for dessert. While she flipped the crepes, I made the berry coulis - frozen berries, castor sugar, a splash of water and balsamic vinegar. Just let it simmer on a low heat until it reduces and thickens. We had the crepes with the berry coulis, creme brulee ice cream and a sprinkling of icing sugar.

Back at home, I made some pasta for lunch tomorrow at work. My parsley has been growing wild so I decided to use it tonight.

Spaghetti with Garlic, Parsley, Chilli, Prawns & Scallops

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