Thursday 30th April '09


The next five days will be 'at sea' days as we make our final leg of the journey towards Hawaii.

I woke up before noon today to get to the Balcony Grill in time for the German themed buffet lunch.

Lunch - Balcony Grill
sauerkraut, German potato salad, a variety of German sausages, pretzel

Unfortunately, they didn’t have any German beers on offer so I had a TED.

After lunch, I went and found a lounge chair by the pool and lounged around listening to my mp3 player. I had to bare the glare of the sun without my sunnies on (or rather, Brad 1’s sunnies that he lent to me since mine suffered a tragic end on Moorea) to try to get rid of my panda eyes.

Dinner time! I couldn’t miss tonight because it was Italian Night in the dining room.

Appetiser: seafood salad

Entree: eggplant parmagiana

OH MY GOD this was to die for! I would have been happy to just order this as my appetiser, entree, main and dessert!

Main: parpadelle with rabbit ragout

We were told that some chefs were preparing some fresh penne arrabiata at cooking stations situated around the room and we could also order this to try. Of course, I asked for some!

Side Dish: penne arrabiata

Dessert: limoncello sorbet

cheese platter

Our waiters came to offer us limoncello near the end of the night – my eyes lit up! I immediately ordered one and it came in a Dawn Princess glass that we got to keep as a souvenir.

Tonight, all the waiters were dressed in either green and white striped tops, or red and white striped tops. I just had to ask Stefan if he would pose and let me take a photo.

Where’s Wally!?

Everyone left me to go to the 8pm show, so I sat and finished off my cheese platter and then made my own way to the atrium to listen to Brad Stevens. I managed to find a seat and enjoyed Brad’s first set. While he took a break, the ship’s quartet played for us – they are amazing! I sometimes listen to them play by the patisserie bar on level 5 while waiting for the doors to the dining room to open. One of the songs moved me to tears. I wish I knew what song it was! They also played a few songs from Phantom of the Opera so I was ecstatic about that!

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