Sunday 16th August '09

26 Roe Street, Northbridge

The photos speak for themselves, right!? YUM!!

Later we went back to Benoit & Ivy's place for dinner with the family. There was the usual hussle and bussle in setting the table and getting the food ready.

I feel so lucky to be included in family dinners with my friends. I feel like part of their family and it fulfills a need in me for the closeness that I don't get from my own family. It's been over ten years since the last time we used to eat as a family at home. Growing up, Mum used to prepare dinner for us kids and we would usually be in bed by the time Dad got home from work. As we got older, Mum would strictly enforce that we eat together at the table. We used to hate this. We wanted to eat infront of the TV. Later, we wanted to eat in our rooms infront of the computer. Nowadays, we all eat alone at our own times. Several times a year we take either Mum or Dad out for dinner to celebrate such events as their birthdays or ours. But we never eat together as a family anymore and I doubt we ever will. Perhaps when Jocelyn gets married...

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