Tuesday 14th September 2010

I felt like crap today so I called in sick. I stayed in bed until about 2pm, hoping Mum would get home from work so she could pop out and buy me some pandeine. No such luck. I drove to the shops and when I got to the checkout, I searched my bag and realised...I left my wallet at home.

I had to drive home and go back to the shops. Aargh.

I needed some therapy so I pottered around in the kitchen to make some comfort food.

Creamy Fennel Soup
garnished with Deep Fried Shallots & Fennel sprigs

Chicken with Vegetables
slowcooked with Seeded Mustard, White Wine & Green Peppercorns

The great thing about slow cooked food is that you can pop everything into the pot, turn it on low and leave it for an hour or so. I went back to bed.

Served on a bed of cous cous.

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