I absolutely love Hedgehog Slices.
I used to treat myself to them occasionally back in the days of university. But I've always been too lazy to try making them, even when I finally got my hands on a recipe.
A girl I used to work with made them for morning teas and so that alleviated the need for me to make my own. (She also made a gorgeous peppermint slice, which I need to get the recipe for!)
The lady at work who usually bakes a cake for Mondays is on holidays so I thought why not try the hedgehog slice recipe and unleash it on the sweet lovers at work.

Into the fridge it goes to set.

Chicken & Pasta Soup
Jocelyn came home from her Europe trip tonight. I waited in anticipation for her squeal upon entering her room and catching a glimpse of this fake mouse I had strategically placed on her pile of mail.

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