Tuesday 9th November 2010

A while ago I went with Mum into the city to run an errand and we went for a late lunch at Shimizu in Harbour Town.

I ordered the udon hot pot for Mum.

For myself, I had the eel bento set.

Mum's udon looked tasty but I was disappointed with my eel. It had been zapped in the microwave for too long - the edges were all dried up. The sauce was really salty. The bento looked likt it had been put together rather clumsily.

I spent most of the day in bed today with a migraine. I hate migraines. All you can really do is sleep it off. Yet after spending all day in bed, you don't really want to go back to bed when you're supposed to. The only thing I find therapeutic is busying myself in the kitchen.

Seafood laksa for dinner at home!

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