To all my loyal readers (and the occasional browser),

I have finally included 'labels' for my posts so you can find the posts under the topics that most interest you since you can't really browse by title. I have decided to not use titles for now. Perhaps one day...

I've also changed the settings to allow for comments to be posted even if you aren't a registered member or have an account to do so.

So...please feel free to leave me any comments, suggestions, or even corrections if I have mentioned a dish you've made but with the wrong ingredients. I'd love to see some comments posted so I can get an idea of who is actually reading my blog. It doesn't matter if no one reads it though, I still love blogging about food. Who knows...perhaps one day a twist of fate will lead me towards the opportunity to become a paid food critic/reviewer.

A girl can dream.

Happy eating people!

Sarena =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay sazbot!