Tonight I met up with Benoit, Ivy and Long for dinner.
YUKI Japanese Restaurant
Shop 7/113 Collins Road, WillettonLong and I arrived first, so we ordered something to snack on while we waited for Benoit and Ivy. Plus, I was famished!
TakoyakiI absolutely love their takoyaki balls! They make them just as they do in Singapore. I don't know how much better they are in Japan, but the must be bloody good! I especially love the sauce, the mayo and the delicate fish flakes.
When Benoit and Ivy got to the restaurant, we all quickly ordered mains.
Ivy: Chicken UdonBenoit: Beef Teriyaki Bento - no photo!
Long & Myself: Unagi BentoMy bento set also came with:
Mixed TempuraTheir tempura is also just divine. The batter is oh so so very light and delicate. This is definitely one of my favourite Japanese restaurants in Perth.
I ordered some cold sake to toast.Back at home, I found some ricotta in the fridge that was nearing its expiry date, so I used it.
Spinach & Ricotta Cannelloni
I mixed together the ricotta and some frozen spinach that I had thawed and squeezed all the water out of. I also added a pinch of grated nutmeg.

I cooked some cannelloni tubes in salted boiling water until they were al dente and then ran them under cold water. When they were cool enough to handle, instead of stuffing them with the spinach and ricotta mixture, I sliced them open, placed them flat on the chopping board, placed a dob of the spinach and ricotta mixture in the centre and rolled the pasta sheet up. I placed them into a shallow baking dish.

I had some tomato sauce that I had cooked a while back that was in the freezer. I defrosted it, heated it over the stove and then poured it over the cannelloni.

I sprinkled a layer of grated pecorino over it and then baked it in the oven for about half an hour on 180C.
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