KFC's Popcorn Chicken Snack Box

Mum's Hokkien Noodles
I mentioned the other night to my Mum that I miss the days back in uni when I used to eat takeaway noodles from the deli I worked in with her. They were made by an Asian lady who cooked from home and supplied the deli with different Indonesian style foods in takeaway containers that we would heat up for students who bought them for lunch. I would usually put aside a container for my lunch some days when I worked there. They were called bakmi goreng. I loved them with lots and lots of chilli. I remember even taking them into a lecture one day, risking being told off by the lecturer for eating in class. Let's just say I got some rather annoyed looks from the students sitting around me. Obviously they were hungry. Ha!
Anyways...Mum must have taken note of this because the noodles today tasted almost like the ones I used to eat in uni.
I left work a little early tonight - it was soooo quiet by the early evening. I managed to stop by the shops on the way home to pick up some groceries. I won't be needing too much though...I doubt I'll be home much to eat over the weekend.
Busy busy bumble bee!
I bought raw Australian banana prawns. I peeled them, deveined them, and filleted them into halves lengthwise. I love the way they curl up when you cook them.

Spaghetti with Prawn & Scallops,
Chilli, Garlic, Basil, Parsley, Tomato, Wine & Olive Oil
I had an open bottle of Lancaster Rose in the fridge so I added a splash of that. Yum! I have been craving prawns all week!
I had also stopped by Woolworths Liquor to pick up some Campari. I saw it was on special in a catalogue - 2 for $60!! When I got to the shelf, they were marked for $36.99 and I was about to leave but I thought I might as well ask if they were two for $60. I actually thought I had misread the catalogue and I was in the wrong store, but perhaps they would price match. Just as well I did ask...they guy scanned a bottle in twice and voila! it was $60 for both!
I couldn't wait to get home and kick back with one of my most favourite drinks -
Campari & Soda
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