Jocelyn ordered the 'Chicken Pesto' - chicken, avocado and cheese. I thought it was a bit too mushy for me. The avocado and chicken tasted like it had been pureed.
When I brought our crepes and coffee order to the table, I noticed that we needed an extra set of knife and fork since there were two crepes to be shared amongst the three of us. I went up to the counter and asked for an extra set of cutlery, to which the counter assistant replied, “That will cost an extra fifty cents”.
I tried to hide the disbelief that I knew was passing over my face, but I guess I didn’t entirely succeed, “Oh, okay…”
The counter assistant said, “But…” she leant down to rummage in the cupboard below, stood up brandishing something in her hand, “I can give you this spork for free.”
I said, “Okay, I’ll take that, thanks.”
I flashed her a smile and walked away, thinking “what the!?“
Back at the table, I told Mum and Jocelyn and they were both disgusted that we were being asked to pay fifty cents for an extra plastic knife and fork…in a food court. Mum then told me that we weren’t even given teaspoons or stirring sticks for our coffees, so Jocelyn went up to ask for those. She returned with some but said that the counter assistant was so rude about it so she walked off without thanking her for the spoons. Good on her.
It used to be that the cutlery was arranged in little utensil holders near the register so that you took what you needed when you collected your order. I suppose people have been taking more than they need and wasting them, which has meant that the store now supplies the cutlery on a one-set-per-customer basis. It’s understandable, but also completely ludicrous. If only I had remembered that I have a set of metal cutlery in my bag (that I keep in there for work) and taken them out to use. Fifty cents for a plastic knife and fork - bah!
Back at home, I went outside to water the garden. The first time in about three weeks that I've been able to actually check on my plants properly. There has been so much growth, I will have to get out during the next few days and do some work before I leave on holidays. Plants are growing wild, and there is much to be harvested.
In the evening, I went to Noel and Fleurette's place for dinner and Bond Night. Fleurette's been busy creating a Christmas display - it's gorgeous!
whole BBQ chicken
Noel's been going through the Bond movies and showing one each week on a Wednesday night. Tonight was Moonraker - I think we all enjoyed ourselves when we got lost in the plot and especially the 'space fight' scene at the end. *chuckle*