After work, I drove down Ranford Road looking for a pet store or aquarium that Meng had told me about. After about fifteen minutes of driving in steadily growing traffic, I decided to give up and head home. Driving down Bannister Road, Canningvale, I spotted an aquarium store called Aquotix and did a U-turn to go check it out. I'm thrilled that I did because it's a great store. They've got everything there, the staff are really friendly and were of great assistance, and their live stock room was so bright and CLEAN! It's the cleanest aquarium centre I've been to and they are having a huge sale on most of their live fish stock. I've told Ben about it and we're heading there on Saturday to check it out and get me some fish! I ended up buying a sponge filter for my fry tank and an ammonium test kit.
Happy with my new sponge filter in action, I set about making dinner. Craving a big juicy steak, I had bought a 'thick cut' sirloin steak from Coles. It's about one and half inches thick!
I cooked the steak in the pan with a dash of olive oil, sliced garlic and chilli flakes. Once the steak was cooked, I set it aside on my plate to let it rest while I prepared the vegetables.
I threw in a bunch of broccolini into the pan with the juices and added a bit of butter. I cooked the broccolini for only a few minutes until they were tender, not soggy and overcooked. I dished them out onto the plate with the steak and returned the pan to the stove to make the sauce. I poured the sauce over the broccolini and steak.
Looks like a gourmet steak meal from a restaurant, huh?
sliced garlic
sliced mushrooms
sliced pancetta
chopped almonds
I think this is one of the best steaks I have ever cooked.